The application window for the Existing Tree Therapies program is now closed. Applicants will be contacted shortly regarding their status.

The CRAFT Existing Tree Therapies Program focuses on four primary therapies used on existing plantings, including giberellic acid, 2,4-D, brassinosteroids and the direct systemic application of approved antimicrobials such as oxytetracycline. Existing groves between 10 and 250 acres that will be treated with one or a combination of the aforementioned therapies will be eligible for application into the program. A control area of at least 10 untreated trees must be included in the application. This control may be contained within the treated block, or in an adjacent, similar block. Much like the original CRAFT new planting program, participants will be required to submit related production records and yield data to the CRAFT-USDA Data Portal as a part of the program. In exchange for their participation, growers will receive payments totaling $350 per acre over the course of their three-year agreement.