Citrus Research and Field Trial (CRAFT) Foundation, Inc. Minutes of the

Technical Working Group Meeting

August 6, 2019

A meeting of the Technical Working Group of the Citrus Research and Field Trial (CRAFT) Foundation, Inc. was held on Tuesday, August 6, 2019 at the Florida Citrus Mutual headquarters, Suite 101 of the BB&T Building in Bartow, Florida. The meeting was properly noticed and recorded. CRAFT Foundation, Inc. Executive Director Kristen Carlson called the meeting to order at 9:03 a.m. Roll was called, and a quorum was present. Committee members present were Tim Eyrich (telephone), Dr. Jim Graham, Dr. Greg Hodges (telephone), Dr. Kelly Morgan (telephone), Dr. Juan Carlos Motamayor, Dr. Patricia Ouimet, Brandon Page, Timothy Riley, Dr. Tim Rinehart (telephone), Dr. Brian Scully and Dr. Robert Shatters. Also participating were Kristen Carlson, Mike Sparks and Tamara Wood.

Also in attendance were Rick Dantzler, Matt Joyner and John Updike.

Welcome and Introductions: Ms. Carlson welcomed committee members and guests and explained that the CRAFT Foundation Board of Directors appointed the 14-member technical advisory committee (aka Technical Working Group) during their July 31, 2019 Board meeting. Members of the committee were selected for their scientific and technical backgrounds and the expertise they will be able to bring to the development of the CRAFT program.

Explanation of Florida Public Records and Sunshine Law: Ms. Carlson explained that as an advisory board to a Direct Service Organization under the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, members of the TWG are subject to Sunshine Laws and as such are not to communicate with each other to discuss CRAFT activities unless it is during a properly noticed, public meeting. She advised that the CRAFT Foundation will be offering official email addresses for members if desired to use for CRAFT communications. If members have any questions regarding public records or Sunshine Law they may contact Ms. Carlson.

Election of Committee Chairperson: Ms. Carlson opened the floor to nominations for Technical Working Group Chairperson. Dr. Scully nominated Dr. Ouimet to serve as Chair of the TWG. Seeing no other nominations or objections, Dr. Ouimet was named Chair.


Update on CRAFT Program and Funding: Mr. Sparks provided an update on the status of the CRAFT program and potential funding sources. A meeting was held in July with representatives from CRAFT, Florida Citrus Mutual and various USDA and FDACS agencies that may provide funding for the CRAFT program. At this meeting there was discussion about the potential for $2.5 million in funding from CHRP, $5 million from MAC and up to $2 million allocated from state general revenue to the CRDF to fund the CRAFT program. He explained that each source has its own guidelines and restrictions related to what activities they can fund. He also stated that Florida Citrus Mutual is committed to continuing to assist in securing any additional funds needed to execute the program. CRAFT Foundation representatives are continuing to work with funding agencies to get funding secured and contracts in place.

Scope of Technical Working Group: Ms. Carlson reviewed the scope of the Technical Working Group’s responsibilities, including: input on participation application, input on criteria for reset program, input on grower data collection, input on other data collection, input on emerging Management practices, and the review of outcomes/program reports. She encouraged members to let staff know if there were other areas that they felt should be included in the committee’s scope.

Development of Program Parameters and Minimum Requirements: The committee, led by Dr. Ouimet discussed the necessary parameters and minimum requirements for participation in the CRAFT program. They addressed both solid-set plantings and re-set “revitalization/rehabilitation” plantings. Suggested production practices, controls and methods were all discussed, as was the development of applications for both portions of the CRAFT program. A large segment of the discussion centered around the collection and analysis of data, and a potential partnership with the USDA’s ARS to provide those services. TWG members were informed that data collection and storage is included in the current proposed CRAFT budget, but that the development of the second level of analysis (Decision Support Tool) would require an additional $1.5-$1.8 million in funds.

Dr. Shatters made a motion stating that the Technical Working Group sees value in the science of a Decision Support Tool, and would suggest finding funding for the program somewhere. The motion was seconded by Dr. Graham and passed unanimously.

Dr. Scully made a motion asking the CRAFT Foundation to explore ways to fund the Decision Support Tool outside of utilizing currently proposed CRAFT program funds. Dr. Hodges seconded the motion. After discussion including support for the motion by the USDA ARS’s Dr. Rinehart, it was passed unanimously.


Future Assignments and Solicitation of Volunteers: Mr. Page and Dr. Graham were asked to work with CRAFT Foundation staff on the continued development of the re-set “revitalization/rehabilitation” program’s application elements, as well as minimum production practices required for participation in the program. In addition, staff will incorporate additional recommendations in to the solid-set program application and will be prepared to present both to the TWG at the next meeting.

Other: It was noted that Ms. Wood would send out an email poll to establish the best time for the next meeting of the TWG, to be held prior to the August 28, 2019 CRAFT Foundation Board of Directors Meeting.

Seeing no further business, Dr. Ouimet adjourned the meeting at 12:28 p.m.



Minutes submitted by Tamara C. Wood, Secretary