Citrus Research and Field Trial (CRAFT) Foundation, Inc. Minutes of the
Board of Directors Meeting
October 3, 2019
A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Citrus Research and Field Trial (CRAFT) Foundation, Inc. was held on Thursday, October 3, 2019 at the Florida Citrus Mutual headquarters, Suite 101 of the BB&T Building in Bartow, Florida. The meeting was properly noticed and recorded. Vice Chairman Glenn Beck called the meeting to order at 1:02 p.m. Roll was called, and a quorum was present. Board members present were Glenn Beck, Harold Browning, Tom Mitchell, Phillip Rucks, Trevor Smith and John Updike, Jr. Also participating were Kristen Carlson and Tamara Wood.
Rick Dantzler and Mike Sparks were also in attendance.
Approval of Minutes: Minutes of the August 28, 2019 Board of Directors meeting were provided to members via email prior to the meeting. Dr. Browning moved to approve the minutes as presented. Mr. Mitchell seconded the motion which was passed unanimously.
Treasurer Report: Mr. Mitchell reported that the CRAFT Foundation, Inc. currently has $100 in their bank account.
Consideration of Fiscal Policy: Ms. Carlson presented a proposed fiscal policy for the CRAFT Foundation, Inc. to operate under. This policy is designed to ensure that all funds are properly accounted for and handled as they are received and paid out. This policy may be amended by the Board of Directors as needed in the future. Mr. Updike moved to approve the fiscal policy as presented. Mr. Mitchell seconded the motion which was passed unanimously.
Ms. Carlson explained that the Foundation will eventually need an audit plan in addition to the fiscal policy. To that end, she suggested that the Foundation staff reach out to several auditing service firms, including Mr. Wheeler in Lake Wales who has been recommended by other organizations within the agricultural industry. Mr. Updike moved that staff be allowed to reach out to auditors and bring a recommendation for contract back to the Board of Directors at a later meeting. Mr. Mitchell seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Status of Programming and Funding: Ms. Carlson asked Dr. Smith to give an update on the status of funding from the USDA. Dr. Smith explained that the CRAFT Foundation’s registration process related to the ezFedGrants system hit snags shortly before the deadline, which led to the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services/Division of Plant Industry stepping in to allow the funds to be redirected to their office. Those funds are currently secured by FDACS for use by CRAFT, but FDACS budget requires legislative authority to spend the dollars. The Legislative Budget Committee will not meet until the upcoming session, so the funds will likely not be available until next state fiscal year (July 1, 2020) . However, FDACS is looking for any excess authority that may allow a small portion of the funds to be transferred to cover administrative and possibly other program costs. At the same time, FDACS attorneys will be working with Dr. Trevor Smith and Ms. Carlson to draft and execute a contract between FDACS and CRAFT related to the dispersal of those funds.
Mike Sparks expressed his appreciation to FDACS for their continued support and assistance for the CRAFT Foundation, and pledged Florida Citrus Mutual’s continued financial support of administrative costs for CRAFT in the meantime.
Consideration of Draft Grower Agreement Template: Ms. Carlson shared a draft grower agreement template with the Board. This template is based on general applicability to all growers and will allow perspective participants to look over the contract before signing. The goal is to put the template on the CRAFT website – – to reduce questions and confusion after applicants are approved for participation. Mr. Mitchell requested that the contracts be as simplified as possible for ease of understanding by participating growers.
Dr. Browning moved to develop a sub-committee consisting of Dr. Browning, Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Sparks to develop a final grower contract. Dr. Smith seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Presentation and Approval of CRDF Agreement: Ms. Carlson and staff from the Citrus Research and Development Foundation are still working to develop the contracted related to the $2 million awarded from the CRDF’s Request for Proposals for Large Scale Field Trial and Demonstration Projects. Dr. Browning moved that the matter be tabled until the next meeting. Mr. Updike seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Discussion of Criteria and Review Process for Program Applications: Ms. Wood provided an update on the number of applications received to date. There was discussion regarding whether to accept multiple applications from the same applicant. It was agreed that multiple submissions would be accepted, but noted, so that if there was excess acreage that could be taken in to account during the review and approval process. The Technical Working Group is set to meet on October 17, 2019 to begin the review of all applications and prepare recommendations for the Board of Directors.
New Business: A proposed logo design was presented to the Board of Directors for consideration. The logo, which was designed by Ms. Wood, has no trademark or licensing restrictions associated with it. Dr. Smith moved to approve the logo for use relating to the CRAFT Foundation, Inc. Mr. Updike seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Ms. Wood provided the Board with an update on the development of the website. The Foundation is currently working with Central Florida Media Group to create the website which will provide information on the program, as well as a portal for participants to upload data and information.
The next meeting of the CRAFT Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors was set for November 1, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. At that meeting, any application that completed the review process will be presented for approval.
Seeing no other business, Mr. Beck adjourned the meeting at 2:57 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Tamara C. Wood, Secretary