The CRAFT Program
Growers who participate in the CRAFT Program will agree to plant new trees and test several factors. (Link to CRAFT Program Requirements)
In year one, CRAFT hopes to fund 2000 acres of new, solid-set plantings as well as an additional 240 acres of re-sets in groves for rehabilitation (where new re-sets account for 25% of the planted trees) with approximately 65 growers participating.
Projects will be distributed across the major citrus growing regions of Florida, representing the different soil types and environmental micro-climates within each citrus production region.
Depending on the availability of funding, it is expected that year two could include another 3,000 acres. The program is expected to collect data for 6-8 years that will be analyzed to determine the best practices or combination of best practices to mitigate the effects of HLB.
CRAFT Foundation, Inc.’s communications programs will make sure the information is available to all growers as well as the research community.